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2021 Chief Of ISSD S&T Awards

2021 Chief Of ISSD S&T Awards

Colleagues from the Defence Science and Technology Group (DSTG) Intelligence, Surveillance and Space Division (ISSD) gathered to celebrate some of the many great achievements of 2021. Other divisions held similar gatherings to acknowledge colleagues, performing inspirational feats despite pandemic restrictions and difficulties that can only be described as unprecedented.

The annual Chief of ISSD S&T Achievement award is generally reserved for ISSD's own high achieving staff. This year, we were humbled and honoured by the inclusion of our Biometrics team. One of Swordfish's missions is to be the best possible industry partner for Defence. This award confirms that we are indeed accomplishing our mission!

The team was awarded for outstanding teamwork and contribution in the successful delivery of tools enhancing ISSD's identity intelligence S&T capability. Working under severe time constraints the team produced an exceptional tool that uses state-of-the-art methods and is fully supported by comprehensive user documentation. The software has exceeded client expectations and as a result will enhance national security outcomes.

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